Project Category:
Home Theater
Project Level:
Project Time:
1-8 Hours
Project Cost:
$100 – $500
Project Description:
This is a 2.1 sound bar, built for a family member as a Christmas present. Fortunately, the recipient is patient because this was for Christmas 2021 and was just completed in May 2022!!
Design Goals:
I wanted to mimic somewhat Dayton AudioBar, so I used the 3″ drivers, Part #295-587 Model: DMA80-8 Instead of the Dayton Soundbar Amplifier, I used the TPA3116 2.1 amp, Part #: 320-622 because of the cost, remote control and input capabilities.
Driver Selection:
Dayton DMA80-8, 3″ driver was selected for it’s size and full range capabilities. The DMA80s are wired parallel, 2 on left and 2 on right. An old JBL subwoofer was repurposed to work with this since the amp was blown in it.
Enclosure Design:
The enclosure was designed to be a copy of the Dayton AudioBar without complementary passive radiators. I found some acacia charcuterie boards on sale at the local “Hobby” shop and used them for the front baffle. The remainder of the enclosure was 1/2 birch. Brother-n-law used CNC to mill the driver openings and did the finishes (two coats paint on plywood and two coats clear sealer on all)
Enclosure Assembly:
I found some acacia charcuterie boards on sale at the local “Hobby” shop and used them for the front baffle. The remainder of the enclosure was 1/2 birch. Brother-n-law used CNC to mill the driver openings and did the finishes (two coats paint on plywood and two coats clear sealer on all)
Crossover Design:
no crossover. signal is straight from the 2.1 amp to the drivers.
Tips & Tricks:
If you try something like this, it might be best to make the rear panel removable for connections.
The DMA80 drivers sound suprisingly clean and work supremely well for this purpose. The TPA3116 bluetooth 2.1 amp provides supfficient power for all drivers and the sister-n-law loves her (late) christmas present! Fun project.
About the Designer:
Just a hobbyist
Project Parts List:
Part # |
Description |
Qty |
295-587 | |
4 |